Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lifting From Neil Gaiman

It'd be pretentious for me to assume I could ever put words together better than Neil Gaiman, so here's just a straightforward piece of robbery, a whole chunk of his journal plagiarised for your interest:

Just got off the phone with Matthew Vaughn. As of last night, and pending the Deal Being Done, it looks like Yvaine has now been cast in Stardust ("Small world," I thought, when he told me who it was) alongside the actor playing Tristran, and the film starts shooting on location in Iceland for a couple of days in March, then starts shooting properly on the 21st of April at Pinewood Studios and on location in Scotland. Some big star names, some people you've never heard of...I think my favourite thing about this, right now, is the sort of happy feeling that comes from knowing that it's unabashedly a fantasy film with a real budget, and it will be shot in the UK and that barring an unforeseen disaster, it's actually going to be made...

That small world comment might just be inferring that Stephanie Leonidas has taken the Yvaine role, it might not - let the speculation bubble over in any comments you may wish to add below.

I don't care for Vaughn's Layer Cake at all, and he seems to have wrought some of the damage that has rendered X-Men 3: The Last Stand so damn dreadful looking, but Stardust is a fine, fine story and if this film sells a few more tens-of-thousands of copies of the novel, then good. Very good.

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