Monday, February 27, 2006

Terry Gilliam vs Shigeru Miyamoto

Seems that Clive Thompson at Wired wants us to see videogames as a superior experience to movies. Well, as far as sci-fi goes anyway. Looks like his cards are all pretty much on the table.

Don't get me wrong, few things are as eagerly awaited by me as the Nintendo Revolution, I literally take my DS to bed with me and I'll go to my grave whistling some of Link's greatest Ocarina hits - but superior to movies? Real life isn't always superior to movies. When I was a young teenager, I learnt more from The Birds than I did from any humans I met in the same year.

Thompson even back-pedals on his argument a little at the end, which is thankful. For all of it's brilliance, Super Mario Bros. is a world away from Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

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