Sunday, March 05, 2006

Todd Haynes Moves Forward With Bob Dylan Project

Todd Haynes, I miss you. I wish Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story was readily available on the shelves of every Hollywood Video and Blockbuster, not just as a low-grade, illegal download; I'm always disappointed that Far From Heaven's critical reputation seemed to turn to vapour so quickly, fading like a dream on waking; I wouldn't hesitate in locking Safe in place on the High School syllabus.

But, having said that, I didn't think Velvet Goldmine added up to the sum of it's parts. I'm sorry, but I didn't. Some central failings - largely in pacing - prevented the film from being all it could have been.

Now, I'm excited to hear about the Bob Dylan project, I'm Not There, and that it appears to be gearing up to shoot imminently.

The central conceit seems similar to Todd Solondz' Palindromes. (Maybe it's a Todd thing? It's an idea Bunuel liked too, though. Perhaps it's a Todd and a Luis thing?) Several different cast members, of different ages, races, sexes - all playing Bob Dylan, or at least facets of Bob Dylan.

Julianne Moore and Richard Gere have been touted as two faces Mr. Zimmerman, and I dare say we'll see quite a few other big-ish names flock to show off their skills on this one. Smells of an "actor's project", doesn't it? I wonder if they could get a clean sweep of all lead male and female acting nominations if they really tried hard enough?

I hope you can pull this film off, Todd. I'm genuinely rooting for this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brendon, my friend, if anyone knows the answer to this, you do. I agree with you about Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story - why isn't it readily available? Who makes these decisions about what to release on DVD - and on what basis? Are marketing execs the only ones calling the shots? What gives them the right to make judgements on artistic merit? It's just that some of my all-time favourite movies are not available. I can't f**king find them anywhere (sorry for swearing, but it really gets my goat). Where, for instance, is Ken Russell's Music Lovers? Where are David Hemmings' greatest movies - Fragment of Fear, Unman, Wittering and Zigo and Eye of the Devil? Where is Peter Sykes' House in Nightmare Park (1973), possibly the most accomplished British comedy-horror flick ever made, starring Frankie Howerd at his rip-roaring 'titter-ye-not' best? Where is that sci-fi classic Zero Population Growth, starring Olly Reed and the ravishing Geraldine Chaplin? How about Charley Varrick, my all-time favourite Walter Matthau movie? And how about The Hit (1984) that stars Roth, Hurt and Stamp all in the same voice! Jesus Cr@p! I'm really getting angry now! What the f**k's going on, Brendon?! Please tell me! I can't stop thinking about these now... The Bad News Bears (the original, of course, I could only be talking about the original).. Where in the name of all that is holy is The Bad News Bears? The Great Race? Monte Carlo or Bust? Lassie Come Home. OH JESUS - LASSIE COME HOME! I'd forgotten about that one... how could they deprive us of that?! The stupid numb-nutted b@st@rds... And how about Time after Time (Malcolm McDowell as H.G.Wells travelling across dimensions in a home-made time machine, in pursuit of Jack the Ripper... awesome!) My Dinner with Andre? (a film that frequently induces a state of hysterical laughing psychosis?) Where are they all, Brendon? Why aren't they out in the UK, expanding the consciousness of the pig-ignorant binge-drinking population? I don't get it. Can we not do something? Can't we start a petition or something? Or go on a hunger strike maybe? I'll go on a hunger strike if you do. Honestly, I would. I reckon it's worth it.