Saturday, March 31, 2007

Brothers In Time

Yes, Dr. Who tonight did feature the Doctor claiming he had a brother. Yes, it is a set up for something coming later in the season. Yes, that something is another Timelord. Yes, The series finale is called The Last of the Timelords, and yes it's Davies' reintroduction of The Master.

But, no, I'm not much fussed, personally. I respect Russell T Davies for what he's doing here, but it's hardly Buffy, is it? House remains the only scripted show on TV I will make a date for. Though I did really enjoy Love and Monsters in the last series of Who.


Rich Johnston said...

What? House is carbon copy each episode. When the hospital gets sent to the Moon, then I'll watch it again.

Oh and "The Wire". Cheap boxsets out now.

Brendon said...

The Wire is in my rental queue, on your recommendation.

Here's hoping.

House did have an alien-related plot this week, believe it or not.

Rich D said...

Argh! So coulda used the spoiler warning on this one. (I knew that the Master was coming up this season, didn't want to know they were brothers). Why didn't I wait to read this until after I downloaded the episode later this evening...

Anonymous said...

The Doctor said something along the lines of "we...playing in the nursery". I didn't hear him utter the word "brother". Seems anything is still possible. :D

Brendon said...

I didn't see the episode - gasp! shock! hororr! - and am only going on what I've been told.

Mark Kardwell said...

The Doctor gets asked if he has any brothers or sisters, he said "not anymore".

In the "expanded Whoniverse", as they say, The Doc's had a couple of candidates mooted as siblings, including The Master and Irving Braxiatel. Looking forward to seeing where they're going with this, hope they blow fandom's "Loom theory" out of the water.

Brendon said...

It sounds, Mark, like you know what you're talking about. I'm not a Whoxpert (ahem) but, well, I know what I've been told.

Something about... well... about The TARDIS...

Give me a while to get my facts straight and I'll post a follow up.

Mark Kardwell said...

I've got it Sky Plussed downstairs, I'll watch it again soon and see if I notice more hints meself.