Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dave Stewart's Green Think Tank

Greenpeace have set up a new think tank aimed at finding ways to express environmental causes through 'Hollywood' (read: mass pop media). Dave Stewart of The Eurythmics, director of Honest and man with odd-bod headphones, is the initiative's spokesmodel.

"If you can imagine Andy Warhol's Factory with Greenpeace in it and me in it," he told Reuters, "It is a hot house, a think tank."

I'm not a fan of Greenpeace. They seem a little short on smarts and are definitely anti-science. I am, however, very concerned about the environment. Just not in a knee-jerk, superstitious way.

Frankly, I don't know if Stewart's wing of the Greenpeace behemoth is going to make anything like the waves the rest of the operation has, but we'll see. Their first strike is a single called Go Green, featuring Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Imbruglia, Annie Lennox and MC Nadirah X. Chances are you'll never hear it - where the heck is it going to get airplay?

1 comment:

Mark Kardwell said...

"If you can imagine Andy Warhol's Factory with Greenpeace in it and me in it," he told Reuters, "It is a hot house, a think tank."

The gap between this git's self-image and reality is f#cking huge.