Saturday, March 03, 2007

Inkheart Video

I'm a quiet fan of Iain Softley. Many of his films are deeply flawed but I can place little of the blame at his feet, certainly not squarely. He's a sensible director, and several sequences from his films can be held up as models of solid, smart craft. Indeed, I've been using the first few minutes of Skeleton Key in class for some time now and it really does help a lot in getting some good storytelling techniques across to the students.

His next film, Inkheart, has been filming in recently and I've been very excited for this one in particular. The cast includes Helen Mirren, Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany and Andy Serkis and the cinematographer is Roger Pratt. Yep, Roger Pratt. Best. Cinematographer. Ever.

If you want to see a little behind the scenes featurette, with a nice look at the sets and some production design artwork, then IESB have just the clip for you. I wish it was more revealing, but anything is better than nothing, and the film is months and months and months from release.

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