Friday, April 27, 2007

Cyborg Preorders Open

YesAsia are now taking pre-orders for the 2-DVD limited edition release of Chan Wook Park's I'm a Cyborg, But That's Okay. Only the film is subtitled in English, but this still remains an incredibly exciting prospect. I must count my beans...


Andy said...

This movie only really lit up during the fantasy "Battle Angel"-style sequences. Oh, and the Burton/Raimi style opening credits, and the Burton-esque opening scene. Apart from that, not so much.

Plus it fell into the trap that Gilliam sometimes puts one foot in - sentimentalization of mental illness. After all, schizophrenia is just like being emo/kooky, only a bit more X-treme, right? :-/

Anonymous said...

Hey, do you know where I could check out a trailer for this? Should one exist, that is...

Anonymous said...

i saw an earlier post that says something about the link between the virginia-tech gunner and old boy, which i thought was quite irrelevant. but now that i see this film, i think the gunner might have been a fan of chan wook park, there's a massacre scene in this film that i think was quite similar to what happened in virginia tech. it scares the hell outta me.

Brendon said...

I don't care if he hand-wrote Chan Wook Park a love letter on scented paper every hour on the hour - Park is in no way responsible for the actions of this killer, or any other killer.

Now, these gun 'laws'... that's another matter...