Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is Bug Here Yet?

William Friedkin's Bug has been a long time coming. Chances are, you saw it already at a festival. That's how informed, dedicated and previously-Bugged the typical film ick reader is.

Sadly, not the typical film ick writer. A tricky financial situation (that is, I was broke) prevented me from catching this one at London Film Festival last year, and I've been regretting it ever since. Audiences have been really freaked out by this film and there's nothing as fun as sitting in a room with eight hundred people clawing at their skin to get the imaginary bugs out.

Yahoo have now unveiled their rather awful encoding of the trailer - at least, I assume the film doesn't look like that - and Richard Brunton popped the link up on Filmstalker, from where I nabbed it.

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