Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dark Knight Teaser Poster

I'm told that this is the official teaser poster for The Dark Knight. What do you think?

It isn't great - the logo is too low, it should be higher for sake of balance. Which alone makes me suspicious. And then there's the font. But it may well be real - I've seen plenty of teaser posters this dodgy before now.


Jason said...

Looks fake to me, too. In addition to your suspicions, the batlogo doesn't seem to have any skew to it considering the angle of the picture.

Anonymous said...

It looks like they photoshopped the image to fit this photo better... The bat is centered in the image, imagine turning the poster straight up and down: The bat would be warped. And yes, the font is not acceptable. I vote bad fake. C'mon photoshop artists, we can do better than this.

Brendon said...

I agree. Anybody out there up to the challenge of making a poster that will blow the official one out of the water?

If so, send it here.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't even state the 2008 date. If people saw just the July 16, they would think it were coming out next month.

Brendon said...

Re: 2008. Sure - if the poster was released now. To give them the benefit of the doubt (even though it 'probably' is fake) the poster could be devised for release in August or September, or even November or so.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a banner for next week's Licensing Show in NYC, not a movie poster.

Brendon said...

MisterPL - you may be onto something.

Unknown said...

The vinyl is wrinkled, but the logo is not.
Bad, bad photoshop.

Anonymous said...

It's real. You clowns are too "smart" for your own good. Get over yourselves.

And it's fine. It does what a teaser is supposed to do. It's not too explicit... BECAUSE IT'S A TEASER. Duh. It's identifiable in a heartbeat, it says a Batman film is coming, it tells you the title, and that's it. Game over, come back later.Long tie until July next year, the 'real' stuff will arrive then.

Vic Yambao ART said...

meh....looks fake.

Anonymous said...

Unless this poster is one of a duo, with the other one showing something about The Joker, then I say fake. There is nothing here to tell you The Joker is coming (which will be a big selling point for the movie), and the movie execs will think that stupid, non-comic people (i.e. the general public) might think that "The Dark Knight" is a fantasy movie, so I guarantee that it will have "Batman" somewhere on the poster when the teaser does come out.

As other people have said, the angle of the Bat logo just doesn't seem to match the angle of the poster edges.

Not conviced, and wouldn't get me excited if I saw it on a bus shelter. Meh :P