Friday, February 24, 2006

Slow Motion

Fancy a free KFC Buffalo Snacker Sandwich? Wanna know how to get one? The answer may already be locked in your subconscious.

The Foote Cone and Belding Advertising agency have reportedly hidden a message in a frame or two of a new KFC commercial. This ultra-brief flash apparently tells you how to make your claim on the free food - and what's the betting the deal is, at best, a two-for-one?

The idea is that this ad will take on TIVO and other DVR devices that enable viewers to skip the breaks, encouraging users instead to drag the ad down to slow motion on the lookout for the instruction. I dare say the idea that we'd spend minutes, rather than thirty seconds, watching the spot made them feel quite pleased with themselves, but I don't think they've accounted for the resentment that will be built when technoklutz after technoklutz fails to track the message down.

If anybody knows what the message is, just add it here in the comments. As soon as it's here, we can spread it far and wide. That'll teach Foot Cone and Belding a lesson or two about resourcefulness.

1 comment:

Brendon said...

The code is here: