Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mo-Cap Crossbred With Spritzy Make-Up For Fincher's Button

The new Contour motion-capture system has snagged the imagination of professional ego David Fincher. According to an article in yesterday's New York Times, Fincher will be using the technology to record his take on F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (almost certainly just Benjamin Button to moviegoers).

Allegedly, the mo-cap on Zemeckis' Beowulf solved all of the problems seen in Polar Express quite nicely - particularly the frightening, dead eyes. Seeing as this Contour technology requires actors to be covered in a reflective spray-on coating - not the kind of thing you are about to spray into somebody's eye - I imagine Fincher is going to have to turn to a second technique to ensure his character's eyes aren't like the zombie orbs of the many digital Tom Hanks.

I hope Contour works, because there's nothing worse than a movie full of stiff, alien mannequins masquerading as the performers. Except, maybe a David Fincher movie full of stiff, alien mannequins masquerading as the performers.

[EDIT: Hey, I just had an idea. Maybe Andy Serkis could play Brad Pitt? Or, if the mo-cap isn't working out, Doug Jones in a rubber Brad Pitt suit?]

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