Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Sound Of An Aging American

On this week's Sound of Young America podcast, there's a decent interview with Terry Gilliam, all round genius and greatest film director in the history of cinema. You heard me.

Their other subject is Chris Elliot, one time SNL cast member, Groundhog Day and Cabin Boy player and now author of The Sound of The Thwacker, an 'absurd 19th century mystery novel.'

Download it now. The Terry half starts at around 23:30 and runs until 58:30 - that's 35 minutes, so don't say I don't ever give you anything. Towards the end, Terry mentions that he's writing a new screenplay at the moment, and that he's keeping it on target for a $20 million budget. Perhaps this is what he should have been doing all along.

I'm hoping it's an original concept and not an adaptation of any kind.

Thanks to Phil Stubbs of Dreams, the Terry Gilliam fanzine, for the heads-up.

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