Saturday, February 24, 2007

What's On The 2 Disc Children Of Men DVD?

The first PAL version of Children of Men to come as a 2-Disc special edition appears to be the Australian one, released just one day after the R1 NTSC release (28th and 27th March respectively). No sign of it on the horizon here in the UK, where we got an early, but skimpy, single disc release at Christmastime.

The special features as listed by retailers are:

  • Children of Men comments by Slavoj Zizek
  • Futuristic Design - from concept to creation, see how director Alfonso Cuarón’s dynamic vision of the future was brought to life
  • Visual Effects - Creating the Baby
  • Men Under Attack - Making of Featurette
  • Theo & Julian - get the inside story from Clive Owen and Julianne Moore
  • The Possibility of Hope - a documentary by Alfonso Cuarón that explores the themes in Children of Men
  • Deleted Scenes
You may have seen Slavoj Zizek's A Perverts Guide to the Cinema, which started very well but ended up taking a few tumbles after the odd crazy leap of speculation and supposition. Dealing with just one film, and one so ripe for Zizek's flavour of psychoanalaytical-come-philosophical film essaying, could prove to be much more successful.

The prize item appears to be The Possibility of Hope, but I'm sad there's still no commentary track.

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