Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Death To Anthony Michael Hall?

[EDIT: Read right to the bottom, please]

Below is an e-mail I received this evening, pretty much verbatim - but be warned, it contains what may be seen as serious Dark Knight spoiler material.

Hello Brendon, I have been a fan of your blog for a pretty long time. Right now I'm working as part of the crew of the Dark Knight film. Right now I don't do much, mostly just helping around the sets, but I like it.

There's a small restaurant around that some of the set people eat at called "Little Katie's". It's known by most of us that Chris Nolan regularly eats there as well. People have of course tried to listen for plot points of the story, but during lunch he doesnt usually talk about it. Anyway, the crew was given a free day a while ago, and I decided to grab something to eat at Little katies. To my surprise, Chris Nolan and Charles Rovan were having lunch aswell. I grabbed the booth behind theirs and listened to their conversation.

They stayed about two hours and didn't talk much about the film, until about 10 minutes before they left. Chris Nolan referenced Anthony Michael Halls DEATH in the film. I listened much closer, and I heard a little more. From what I heard, it sounds like Anthony Michael Hall is indeed a wannabe batman, or a "Imitation Hero" as Chris nolan put it. I also heard Nolan reference the scene in which Batman beats the "Imitation hero" to DEATH. I'm not sure why Batman would do that, because thats about the time they left, but I was stunned.

I went to Batman-on-Film with this tidbit, but was ignored, so I sent it again and again, with no response. I figured if Jett over at BOF doesnt want this, then it's yours to do with whatever you want. I hope I helped, Brendon.

(I love it when a source just lets me cut and paste their e-mail rather than, oh, I dunno... pretend I don't know which actress is up for the exciting comics-to-film role.)

Well, I have heard from a source I know to be linked to the film who also thought Anthony Michael Hall had a role like this (they'd worked it out by process of elimination) so this strikes me as a potentially very interesting piece of the
Dark Knight puzzle. Does anybody else know any more information? And does anybody know why I can't find Little Katie's referenced online anyplace? Is this all just a hoax? Or is Little Katie's just too little?

Let's give the e-mailer the benefit of the doubt for now...

[EDIT: Or maybe not. Here's a rebuttal from Batman On Film:

I never received an email from this source as he indicated.

So, don't believe it. As if you were ever going to anyway]


Anonymous said...

I got the impression that "Little Katies" is the crews nickname for the place not the actual name of the establishment.

Anonymous said...

Its probably going to be birth of Man Bat/Kirk Langstrom. He beats him up, then he has to take medication to stay alive. That's just speculation, but it seems logical enough to me. "Imitation Batman= Man-Bat"

Anonymous said...

As unlikely as it might seem, the only character Batman beats that badly in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns is the Mutant leader. The script to The Dark Knight is said to borrow heavily from Miller's work, so it might be safe to presume Anthony Michael Hall's character ties into that storyline somehow.

Anonymous said...

For one this is not true. Nolan took pretty much the whole movie (Batman Begins) to show us that Batman does not KILL people. That right there de bunks this story from being true at all. Which is why JETT ingored your lame e-mail and made up story. My money is AMH is some kind of CEO rival to Bruce.

Jack Ryder said...

Well I HOPE this doesn't mean we're going to have Jean Paul Valley in the story. I mean, apart from the fact Jean Paul was created to give the audience another reason to prefer Bruce Wayne as Batman, this would be overcharging the movie with unneeded characters.

I'd still bet for Vernon Fields. He acts as a villain, he has a very important role for the story, and still he doesn't need to be on screen for too long... but of course this theory doesn't fit with this last rumorl. Still, we shouldn't theorize without evidence, Watson, so we'll have to wait.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Hall is cast as Al Falcone (Holiday Killer), the estranged son of Carmine Falcone....

That's my best bet.

Anonymous said...

Assuming this was from Chicago, there is a place called "Katie's Cafe" in River Forest, IL, about 12 miles outside Chicago. A long shot, but could this be the place?

Anonymous said...

I think AMH will join the TDK as the new Doc in Arkham Asylum perhaps even Dr. Arkham himself. I think you need to fill the void from Dr Crane's departure. But its a pure guess on my part.

travis said...

i'd say Vernon Fields too- he's a 'good guy' working with Dent, and yet a 'bad guy' who ends up being fairly responsible for his disfiguration.
I don't doubt he dies, but it wouldn't be by batman's hands- probably two face,since two face will have that wrathful sense of justice the batman holds back.

Anonymous said...

Does no one else think that AMH could just be playing Edward Nygma? What's to say Nygma couldn't be working for Wayne Enterprises?

Anonymous said...

I've read alot of spoilers that stated AMH would be a rival CEO jealous of Bruce Wayne... could this be Roman Sinius (Black Mask)?