Thursday, January 25, 2007

Fraser And Weisz Snubbing Third Mummy

I haven't been keeping up on the projected third Mummy film, so excuse me if this is old news, but I've had it confirmed for me this morning that neither Brendan Fraser or Rachel Weisz will be appearing - at all - in Rob Cohen's upcoming snorefest. A source near the film dropped me a line directly and as I've been skimming Mummy news at best, it certainly seemed to be a bit of new news, and I thought you'd like it.

Apparently, neither Fraser nor Weisz liked the script at all and didn't find it at all hard to root out better projects to do. I mean, there's always wet paint somewhere and hair washing, if done properly, can provide a fully engaging experience. Suffice to say, they have now definitively walked away, brushing their hands clean.

The film will now centre on their characters' son - which was, I think, common knowledge already. It's going to be set in the East too, right? A few bits and bobs have been sinking in.

At this stage, nothing about the project makes it sound any better or worse than the previous two installments. Frankly, I always preferred the kitsch panto of the The Scorpion King spin off anyway.

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